June Anniversaries

Paulette Hudson, TLC Director, 35 Years  |  Kathy Millecan, TLC Teacher, 33 Years Doris Givens, TLC Teacher’s Aide, 25 Years  |  Carolyn James, Reception, 17 ...

June Birthdays

6/2  Kathy Jackson, Executive Director  |  6/3  Mary Kidd, Supported Employment 6/4  Celeste Collins, Res LPN Segovia  |  6/6  Mike Marigliano, Transportation 6/7  Ebony Goff, ...

Top Capitol City Advocacy Professional selected as new CEO at The Arc of Florida

Long-time Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Director Alan Abramowitz has been named chief executive officer of The Arc of Florida, which supports community-based organizations that advocate for ...